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Residential Condos/Townhomes
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City or Cities and/or ZIP Code(s)
> Search All Cities < Antioch Arrington Ashland City Bethpage Bon Aqua Brentwood Burns Cane Ridge Castalian Springs Cedar Hill Chapmansboro Charlotte Christiana College Grove Columbia Cottontown Cross Plains Culleoka Cumberland Furnace Dickson Eagleville Fairview Franklin Gallatin Goodlettsville Greenbrier Hampshire Hendersonville Hermitage Joelton Kingston Springs Lascassas LaVergne Lebanon Madison Millersville Milton Mount Juliet Mount Pleasant Murfreesboro Nashville Nolensville Old Hickory Orlinda Pegram Pleasant View Portland Primm Springs Readyville Rockvale Santa Fe Smyrna Spring Hill Springfield Thompsons Station Vanleer Watertown Westmoreland White Bluff White House Whites Creek Williamsport No Preference 37010 37012 37013 37014 37015 37016 37020 37022 37025 37027 37029 37031 37032 37035 37036 37037 37043 37046 37048 37049 37051 37055 37060 37062 37064 37066 37067 37069 37072 37073 37075 37076 37080 37082 37085 37086 37087 37090 37091 37101 37115 37118 37122 37127 37128 37129 37130 37132 37135 37138 37141 37143 37146 37148 37149 37153 37167 37172 37174 37179 37180 37181 37184 37186 37187 37188 3718937201 37201 37203 37204 37205 37206 37207 37208 37209 37210 37211 37212 37214 37215 37216 37217 37218 37219 37220 37221 38401 38451 38461 38474 38476 38482 38483 38487 (Multiple Selections Allowed)
Specific Neighborhood Name - (Leave Blank if None)
Price Range
Minimum Price
Maximum Price
Any $100,000 $125,000 $150,000 $175,000 $200,000 $225,000 $250,000 $275,000 $300,000 $350,000 $400,000 $450,000 $500,000 $600,000 $700,000 $800,000 $900,000 $1,000,000 $1,250,000 $1,500,000 $1,750,000 $2,000,000 $2,500,000 $3,000,000 $4,000,000 $5,000,000 $10,000,000 $20,000,000
# Bedrooms
Any Number 1 or more 2 or more 3 or more 4 or more 5 or more 6 or more
# Bathrooms
Garage Capacity
Any Number 1 or more cars 2 or more cars 3 or more cars 4 or more cars
No Preference Yes No
Square Footage
Minimum Sqft
Maximum Sqft
# Stories
Any 1 1.5 2 3
Year Built (YYYY)
Minimum Year
Maximum Year
Minimum Acres
Maximum Acres
Elementary School
No Preference A. Z. Kelley ElementaryAlex Green ElementaryAllendale Elementary SchoolAmanda H. North Elementary SchoolAmqui ElementaryAndrew Jackson ElementaryArrington Elementary SchoolAshland City ElementaryBarfield ElementaryBattle Creek Elementary SchoolBeech ElementaryBellshire Elementary Design CenterBellwood ElementaryBenny C. Bills Elementary SchoolBethesda ElementaryBethpage ElementaryBlack Fox ElementaryBlackman Elementary SchoolBradley ElementaryBransford ElementaryBrowns Chapel Elementary SchoolBuchanan ElementaryByars Dowdy ElementaryCaldwell Enhanced OptionCane Ridge ElementaryCarmel ElementaryCarroll Oakland ElementaryCason Lane AcademyCastle Heights ElementaryCedar Grove ElementaryCentennial ElementaryChadwell ElementaryChapmans Retreat ElementaryCharlotte ElementaryCharlotte Park ElementaryCheatham Park ElementaryChristiana ElementaryClovercroft Elementary SchoolClyde Riggs ElementaryCockrill ElementaryCole ElementaryColes Ferry ElementaryCollege Grove ElementaryCoopertown ElementaryCreekside Elementary SchoolCrestview Elementary SchoolCrieve Hall ElementaryCrockett ElementaryCulleoka Unit SchoolCumberland ElementaryDan Mills ElementaryDavid Youree ElementaryDickson ElementaryDodson ElementaryDr. William Burrus Elementary at Drakes CreekDuPont ElementaryEagle View Elementary SchoolEagleville SchoolEakin ElementaryEast Cheatham ElementaryEast Robertson ElementaryEdmondson ElementaryElzie D Patton Elementary SchoolErma Siegel ElementaryFairview ElementaryFall-Hamilton ElementaryFranklin ElementaryFreedom IntermediateGateway ElementaryGene W. Brown ElementaryGeorge A Whitten ElementaryGladeville ElementaryGlencliff ElementaryGlengarry ElementaryGlenview ElementaryGoodlettsville ElementaryGower ElementaryGranbery ElementaryGrassland ElementaryGreenbrier ElementaryGuild ElementaryHampshire Unit SchoolHarold B. Williams Elementary SchoolHarpeth Valley ElementaryHattie Cotton ElementaryHaywood ElementaryHenry C. Maxwell ElementaryHeritage ElementaryHermitage ElementaryHickman ElementaryHighland Park ElementaryHobgood ElementaryHoward ElementaryHull Jackson Montessori MagnetHunters Bend ElementaryIda B. Wells ElementaryIndian Lake ElementaryInglewood ElementaryJ E Woodard ElementaryJ W Wiseman ElementaryJ. Brown ElementaryJ. E. Moss ElementaryJ. R. Baker ElementaryJack Anderson ElementaryJo Byrns Elementary SchoolJoelton ElementaryJohn B. Whitsitt ElementaryJohn Colemon ElementaryJohn Pittard ElementaryJohnson ElementaryJones Brummett Elementary SchoolJones Paideia MagnetJordan Elementary SchoolJulia Green ElementaryKenrose ElementaryKingston Springs ElementaryKIPP Academy NashvilleKipp KirkpatrickKittrell ElementaryKrisle ElementaryLakeside Park ElementaryLakeview Elementary SchoolLascassas ElementaryLaVergne Lake Elementary SchoolLiberty Creek ElementaryLiberty ElementaryLipscomb ElementaryLockeland ElementaryLongview Elementary SchoolMadison Creek ElementaryMarvin Wright Elementary SchoolMay Werthan Shayne Elementary SchoolMcGavock ElementaryMill Creek Elementary SchoolMillersville ElementaryMitchell-Neilson ElementaryMoore ElementaryMt Pleasant ElementaryMt. Juliet ElementaryMt. View ElementaryNannie Berry ElementaryNapier Enhancement OptionNeelys Bend ElementaryNolensville ElementaryNorman Binkley ElementaryNorth Sumner ElementaryNorthfield ElementaryOak View Elementary SchoolOakmont ElementaryOld Center ElementaryOverall Creek ElementaryParagon Mills ElementaryPark Avenue Enhanced OptionPearre Creek Elementary SchoolPegram Elementary Fine Arts Magnet SchoolPennington ElementaryPercy Priest ElementaryPlainview Elementary SchoolPleasant View ElementaryPoplar Grove 5-8Poplar Grove K-4Poplar Hill ElementaryPortland Gateview Elementary SchoolR Howell ElementaryReeves-Rogers ElementaryRiverside ElementaryRobert Churchwell Museum Magnet Elementary SchoolRobert F. Woodall ElementaryRock Springs ElementaryRockvale ElementaryRocky Fork Elementary SchoolRosebank ElementaryRoss ElementaryRoy L Waldron ElementaryRuby Major ElementaryRutland ElementarySalem Elementary SchoolSam Houston ElementarySanta Fe Unit SchoolScales ElementaryScales Elementary SchoolShwab ElementarySmith Springs Elementary SchoolSmyrna ElementarySmyrna PrimarySouthside ElementarySpring Hill ElementarySpringdale Elementary SchoolStanford Montessori SchoolStation Camp ElementaryStewarts Creek Elementary SchoolStewartsboro ElementaryStoner Creek ElementaryStratton ElementaryStuart Burns ElementarySunset Elementary SchoolSylvan Park Paideia Design CenterThe Discovery SchoolThomas A. Edison ElementaryThompsons Station Elementary SchoolTom Joy ElementaryTrinity ElementaryTuckers Crossroads ElementaryTulip Grove ElementaryTusculum ElementaryUna ElementaryVanleer ElementaryVena Stuart ElementaryW A Wright ElementaryWalnut Grove ElementaryWalter Hill ElementaryWalton Ferry ElementaryWarner Elementary Enhanced OptionWatauga ElementaryWatertown ElementaryWatt Hardison ElementaryWaverly-Belmont Elementary SchoolWest Cheatham ElementaryWest ElementaryWestmeade ElementaryWestmoreland ElementaryWestside ElementaryWestwood Elementary SchoolWhite Bluff ElementaryWhite House Heritage Elementary SchoolWilson Elementary SchoolWinstead Elementary School (Multiple Selections Allowed)
Middle School
No Preference Antioch MiddleApollo MiddleBattle Creek Middle SchoolBellevue MiddleBlackman Middle SchoolBrentwood Middle SchoolBrick Church Middle SchoolBurns Middle SchoolCameron College PreparatoryCentral Magnet SchoolCharlotte Middle SchoolCheatham Middle SchoolChristiana Middle SchoolCoopertown Middle SchoolCora Howe SchoolCroft Design CenterCulleoka Unit SchoolDalewood Middle SchoolDickson Middle SchoolDonelson MiddleDuPont Hadley MiddleDuPont Tyler MiddleE. A. Cox Middle SchoolEagleville SchoolEast Nashville Magnet MiddleEast Robertson High SchoolFairview Middle SchoolFred J Page Middle SchoolFreedom IntermediateFreedom Middle SchoolGladeville Middle SchoolGoodlettsville MiddleGra-Mar Middle SchoolGrassland Middle SchoolGreenbrier Middle SchoolH. G. Hill MiddleHampshire Unit SchoolHarpeth Middle SchoolHaynes MiddleHead Middle Mathematics / Science MagnetHeritage Middle SchoolIsaac Litton MiddleIsaiah T. Creswell Middle School of the ArtsJere Baxter MiddleJo Byrns High SchoolJoe Shafer Middle SchoolJohn Early Paideia MagnetJohn F. Kennedy MiddleJohn Trotwood Moore MiddleKIPP Academy NashvilleKirkwood MiddleKnox Doss Middle School at Drakes CreekLaVergne Middle SchoolLegacy Middle SchoolLiberty Creek Middle SchoolMadison MiddleMargaret Allen Montessori Magnet SchoolMcMurray MiddleMerrol Hyde Magnet SchoolMill Creek Middle SchoolMoses McKissack MiddleMount Pleasant Middle SchoolMt. Juliet Middle SchoolNeelys Bend MiddleOakland Middle SchoolPoplar Grove 5-8Portland East Middle SchoolPortland West Middle SchoolRobert E Ellis MiddleRock Springs Middle SchoolRockvale Middle SchoolRocky Fork Middle SchoolRose Park Math/ Science MagnetRucker Stewart MiddleSanta Fe Unit SchoolSiegel Middle SchoolSmyrna Middle SchoolSmyrna West Alternative SchoolSpring Hill Middle SchoolSpring Station Middle SchoolSpringfield MiddleStation Camp Middle SchoolStewarts Creek Middle SchoolStratford STEM Magnet School Lower CampusSunset Middle SchoolSycamore Middle SchoolT. W. Hunter Middle SchoolThompsons Station Middle SchoolThurgood Marshall MiddleTwo Rivers MiddleV G Hawkins Middle SchoolW James Middle SchoolWalter J. Baird Middle SchoolWatertown Middle SchoolWest End Middle SchoolWest Wilson Middle SchoolWestmoreland Middle SchoolWhite House Heritage High SchoolWhite House Middle SchoolWhitthorne Middle SchoolWhitworth-Buchanan Middle SchoolWilliam Henry Oliver MiddleWinfree Bryant Middle SchoolWoodland Middle SchoolWright Middle (Multiple Selections Allowed)
High School
No Preference Antioch High SchoolBattle Creek High SchoolBeech Sr High SchoolBlackman High SchoolBrentwood High SchoolCane Ridge High SchoolCentennial High SchoolCentral Magnet SchoolCheatham Co CentralColumbia Central High SchoolCreek Wood High SchoolCulleoka Unit SchoolDickson County High SchoolEagleville SchoolEast Nashville Magnet High SchoolEast Robertson High SchoolFairview High SchoolFranklin High SchoolFred J Page High SchoolGallatin Senior High SchoolGlencliff High SchoolGreen Hill High SchoolGreenbrier High SchoolHampshire Unit SchoolHarpeth High SchoolHendersonville High SchoolHillsboro Comp High SchoolHolloway High SchoolHunters Lane Comp High SchoolIndependence High SchoolJames Lawson High SchoolJo Byrns High SchoolJohn Overton Comp High SchoolKirkwood HighLavergne High SchoolLebanon High SchoolLiberty Creek High SchoolMaplewood Comp High SchoolMartin Luther King Jr Magnet- Pearl High SchoolMcGavock Comp High SchoolMt Pleasant High SchoolMt. Juliet High SchoolNolensville High SchoolOakland High SchoolPearl Cohn Magnet High SchoolPortland High SchoolRavenwood High SchoolRiverdale High SchoolRockvale High SchoolSanta Fe Unit SchoolSiegel High SchoolSmyrna High SchoolSpring Hill High SchoolSpringfield High SchoolSpringfield MiddleStation Camp High SchoolStewarts Creek High SchoolStratford STEM Magnet School Upper CampusSummit High SchoolSycamore High SchoolWatertown High SchoolWestmoreland High SchoolWhite House Heritage High SchoolWhite House High SchoolWhites Creek HighWilson Central High School (Multiple Selections Allowed)
On/Around Water
No Preference Creek Lake Pond River Spring Stream View of Water (Multiple Selections Allowed)
Neighborhood Amenities
No Preference Clubhouse Fitness Center Gated Neighborhood Golf Course Swimming Pool Tennis Courts (Multiple Selections Allowed)
Distressed Properties
No Preference Short Sales Foreclosures HUD Homes NO Short Sales/Foreclosures/HUD (Multiple Selections Allowed)
Hillwood West Meade in Nashville, TN